Louise Casemore is an artist advocate, prairie nuisance, and two-time Sterling Award winning playwright. Based in Alberta on Treaty 6 and 7 Territory, she is an Artist Consultant focused on HR mechanisms for arts organizations (with support of Canadian Stage and Lunchbox Theatre), recipient of the ATP/Enbridge Playwright’s Award, and featured artist in NYC ‘s “Necessary Exposure: The Female Playwright Project”. Original works include OCD, Functional, GEMINI (Chinook Series, High Performance Rodeo), and the upcoming cabaret exorcism that is Undressed with Alberta Theatre Projects. She remains active in the wider community by way of dramaturgy, teaching, and research; and in 2021 is excited to release the long-range national study on new play development commissioned by Alberta Playwright's Network entitled "Surveying The Landscape". This fall she will be diving into an MFA in Playwriting with the University of Alberta, and continuing to develop plays that keep her up at night.